Sunday, May 29, 2011

At the Samos airport.

I am sitting in the Samos airport. I arrived way too early, paid too much for a cab, coffee and croissant.
Yesterday was interesting. The tour portion ended and I said goodbye to Turkey. Yesterday as I tried to type “I left Turkey today” I began to cry. I am not sure why but it was really uncontrollable. Was it saying good bye to new friends? Was it I missed Turkey? was it that I planned long and hard for that part of the trip and it was over? was I using it and planning for it as a mask to cover other pains I feel and when it ended they were uncovered? or maybe I was just tired?
It was a fairly relaxing day. After an hour and a half ferry ride we (Laura, Mary Clare (2 tour friends) and I walked around town, went the the archeological museum visited a couple of churches – then joined some other friends for drinks.
After the drinks the three of us took a cab to the other side of the island to hotel Natafino (sp), a nice hotel – outside of town with a nice view of the sea.
I went for a cup of coffee on the patio and had my little breakdown (I am doing fine now)
At 7:00 we took the shuttle to the very delightful seaside town of Pxxxxx for drinks and dinner. A had a craving for pasta which was fulfilled.
The 3 of us had a long talk about happiness, conflict and fun – the talk had all three of those.
Back at the hotel I said goodbye to more new friends

1 comment:

  1. Probably a combination of all those things. Looks like your trip was a truly amazing experience.
