Monday, May 30, 2011

Leaving Hydra

I am off for Athens in a couple of hours, at breakfast at a little taverna close to my hotel. 

My impressions of Hydra are cats, donkeys and a slow lifestyle that is sometimes hard for me to process.  I think I did not spend enough time to settle in – 

I cant imagine how expensive it must be to live here – Water, electricity must be quite high. On the other hand, transportation is quite cheap unless need to leave the island on a daily basis

 I measure much of my travel by my ability to connect with the people there or at least fellow travelers, that did not seem to happen here. Not sure why.

I worry that I have not better developed these adaptive skills so far along in the trip. Maybe the worry beads are the answer.

Don't get me wrong, my time here has been good, just slow and it is pretty tough to follow up on the intensity of Turkey.

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