Monday, May 30, 2011

Worrying about worry beads or how Rick Steves made me a worry bead snob

I must say that I have never really thought much about worry beads until recently.  But it seems that every old Greek guy I pass is getting his inner peace mojo going by stroking his worry beads.  Without thought they walk around fiddling their way to joy. It is a sort of contentment that I always am looking for and if I can find it through beads all the more power to me. I need to get some -- luckily for me they are just 5 euro -wow- I don't know what my co-pay might be on a counseling session is but I know it is more than 5 Euro.

So where does Mr. Steves fall into this equation?  He of course has a page dedicated to it in his Athens book (see below).  Did you know there are a lot of differences in worry beads and you really have to find the one that feels right and I learned that there will be little satisfaction in the 5 Euro variety.  They need to be made out of stone or bone- and amber is especially nice.   So then I feel for the 25 euro Jade and onyx ones (most likley the amount of my co-pay) - but I am a fickle man once I found the 180 euro ones I was lost forever.
Nope I did not buy any of them and now  I am really worried.

25 Euro

180 Euro variety
5 Euro
What Rick Says.

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