Sunday, May 1, 2011

Greek Clatity

I think I have a partial Greek plan now.  Santorini is out.  Just too much work, time and money to get there. Doing some reading and listening to the one who will be nameless' podcasts (maybe he does not have to be nameless if it is not in conjunction with the tour)  It seems I will be quite happy with Athens, the island Hydra (pronounced ee-dra) and one other town on The Paloponnese.  This will keep me less dependent on the weather for little planes and ferries to get back to Athens for my international flight.  This also keeps me close enough so I only need to spend 2 nights in Athens.  Now figuring how to get out of Samos ASAP - or spend a little time there.

And seriously, why would someone want to go to a place as romantic as Santorini by himself.

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