Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spinning Wheels

I am at an odd crossroads in my life, single and petless for the first time since I was 21. That gives a guy a lot of freedom that I should embrace. The trip is an example of that -- the only example- or is sitting in a coffee shop an example of freedom or loneliness?  The trip is a marker on my horizon something I can point to or hide behind.   An excuse for doing nothing except planning for the trip and working -- What would I do to be more proactive with my life? And really what does that mean . I find that I ache in ways that I can't process or understand.
The joke here is that I don't think i am really planning a trip I am pretending to plan a trip - I have all the props, it is easy to do. 
I need to stop the spinning before I spin too low and can't back up or is that just pretending too?

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